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동남아여행 펀딩 뜻 펀딩사이트 재택근무 운영 매뉴얼 대부업대출잘되는곳 30대알바 주부재택부업 재택근무직업 30대주부 눈물나는 성공기 대출 tm 계양 맞팔환영 맞팔환영 당일치기여행 천호동맛집 깐부치킨 강릉콜걸샵 강북출장만남 상주출장마사지 은평출장만남 아줌마섹스 구리출장샵 서초출장안마 마사지왕국 노원출장마사지 경주출장안마 양강면타이마사지 룰루동인지 선학동안마 두왕동만남후기 옥련동출장샵 배우자외도 흥신소 100%비밀보장 남편외도 온라인흥신소 카카오톡 백업 복구 복제폰 기업조사 카카오톡 옮기기 스파이앱|스파이휴대전화|위치추적|폰내역|사이버흥신소 삼척맛집 달동 데이트그램 번호위치추적 데이트

Articles HOME


Article 1 : NAME and ADDRESS


Clause 1.1 : The organization shall be known as UNION OF ASIAN ALPINE ASSOCIATION or UAAA.
Clause 1.2 : Its place of business shall be based on the organization office of the elected President of the UAAA and takes care the administration and activities of the UAAA
Clause 1.3 : The secretary of UAAA can be established at any country of the members of the UAAA with agreement of president and members during the General Assembly meeting.



Clause 2.1 : The Objectives of the organization shall be;
2.1(a) : The popularize and encourage the mountain climbing, spods Climbing and reseach the mountaineering in the spirit of close cooperation and international friendship.
2.1(b) : To fostor friendship, goodwill and understand among members of UAAA through love of nature and spirit of adventure with environmental awareness and conservation.
2.1(c) : To educate its members in the art of mountaineering, sports climbing and other related outdoor activities.

Clause 2.2 : The Business of the rganization shall be;
2.2(a) : To hold and sponsar study meetiog for the development af mountaineering.
2.2(b) : To cooperate with the world body - UIAA.
2.2(c) : To draw guideline on safety.
2.2(d) : To protect the nature and environmental.
2.2(e) : To print, publigh, issue or circulate gratuitously or otherwise any report or periodical, books, pamphliets, leaflets, videos or other document in ihe furtherance of the UAAA objective.
2.2(f) : To organize mountain climbing and sports climbing at international lovel.



Clause 3.1 : Membership shall be open to any national mountaineering or sport climbing organization in Asian region.
Clause 3.2  : Any organization who is member of UIAA in Asian region is entitled to be a member of UAAA upon application.



Clause 4.1 : All members shall be entitled.
4.1(a) : A copy of the UAAA articles
4.1(b) : To participate at the UAAA General Assembly
4.1(c) : To seek advise from this organization
4.1(d) : To received any documentation related in mountaineering and sport climbing issued by the UAAA
4.1(e) : To participate actively in events, competitions and businesses to by held by the UAAA
4.1(f) : To make every effort to increase international exchange of communication and information
4.1(g) : To observe the UAAA articles, other rules and decisions made by the General Assembly.


Clause 5.1 : All members shall be obliged to pay membership fees and other kinds of dues approved by the General Assembly
Clause 5.2 : The admission fee and annual subscription are as follows;
5.2(a) : Admission fee ? USD 300.00
5.2(b) : Annual fee ? USD 300.00
5.2(c) : Council member annual fee ? USD 500.00
Clause 5.3 : All annual fees shall be payable to the treasurer in advance within 3 months of the due date.
Clause 5.4 : Any member who allow its arrears to exceed more than 3 consecutive year ceased to be a member and the expulsion should be tabled in the General Assembly and endorsed.
Clause 5.5 : All subscription must be paid before the General Assembly


Clause 6.1 : Admission application to and withdrawal from the membership shall be made in writing to the UAAA president to be table during the General Assembly.
Clause 6.2 : A member which resigned shall be eligible to apply for re-admission to the UAAA president to be table during the General Assembly.

Article 7 : THE BODIES

Clause 7.1 : The UAAA functions through four bodies, each with defined power and duties
a) General Assembly
b) Council
c) Board member
d) Committees


Clause 8.1 : The General Assembly is the supreme body of UAAA and shall be held every year
Clause 8.2 : The General Assembly can be held in any county which is a member of UAAA under the resolution and mutual consent of the members during Assembly.
Clause 8.3 : The Secretary General or any appointed office shall send all members at least three months prior the date set for the General Assembly.
Clause 8.4 : The Board Members has a power to fixed the date of the General Assembly at least two months before the UIAA General Assembly.
Clause 8.5 : Any resolution of the General Assembly shall be made by 2/3 majority of the attendance.
Clause 8.6 : All member organization is entitled to be represented at the General Assembly.
Clause 8.7 : The General Assembly shall be chair by the UAAA president


Clause 9.1 : To receive the president report on the working of the organization during previous year.
Clause 9.2 : To receive the honorary treasurer report and audited account of the organization for the previous year.
Clause 9.3 : To receive the progress reports by the presidents of each committee and approve their annual report.
Clause 9.4 : To elect and recall the board members and council members, the presidents of each committee and the auditor.
Clause 9.5 : To adopt and amend the Articles of Association, the Standing Rules and Regulations.
Clause 9.6 : To approve of plans for future activities.
Clause 9.7 : To decide the budget and fix membership and admission fees.
Clause 9.8 : To decide admission and expulsion of members on proposal of the council.
Clause 9.9 : To resolve and problem related in mountaineering and sport climbing in Asia and submitted to UIAA General Assembly to seek and advise.
Clause 9.10 : To grant Honorary Members, by unanimous vote.

Article 10 : THE COUNCIL

Clause 10.1 : The council members shall consist of a maximum of nine individuals from member organizations entitled to vote.
Clause 10.2 : The council member shall be limited to the president of each member organization or his proxy(designated representative) and two delegates designated by the president


Article 11 : MEETING of the COUNCIL

Clause 11.1 : The council meets once or twice every year and the venue will be decided during the council meeting.
Clause 11.2 : The agenda for the council meeting are prepared by the board member. However each council member is entitled to present proposals for the agenda. The submission of the proposals should be made two months before the council meeting.
Clause 11.3 : The full agenda shall be sent by board members to the council members at least five weeks prior to the meeting dates.
Cluase 11.4 : Every members of the council has one vote. All decisions of the council are taken by majority of the members present, and no voting right maybe exercised by proxy.
Clause 11.5 : A quorum of the council consists of a majority of its members.

Article 12 : AUTHORITY of the COUNCIL

Clause 12.1 : The council has the following duties;
12.1(a) : To propose changes to the general policies and long-term strategies of the UAAA.
12.1(b) : To make recommendations to the General Assembly on the following;
12.1(b)-1 : any proposed changes to the Articles of Association
12.1(b)-2 : the acceptance of the accounts and budget
12.1(b)-3 : the admission and expulsion of member organizations
12.1(b)-4 : the persons to be proposed as board members
12.1(c) : To supervise the running of the committees by;
12.1(c)-1 : creating and dissolving them
12.1(c)-2 : designating their tasks and responsibilities
12.1(c)-3 : approving their regulations
12.1(c)-4 : electing and removing their staff members
12.1(c)-5 : making recommendations to the General Assembly on the reports of the committees
12.1(d) : To request and extraordinary General Assembly
12.1(e) : To carry out the tasks delegated to it by the General Assembly

Article 13 : BOARD MEMBERS

Clause 13.1 : The operation Board of the UAAA consist of the following officers
13.1(a) : The president
13.1(b) : The vice president
13.1(c) : The secretary general
13.1(d) : The honorary Treasurer
Clause 13.2 : The member of the Board shall be elected by the General Assembly for a term of 2 years and they can seek re-election.
Clause 13.3 : The board members are elected on a personal basis without any mandate from their member organization and are to act independently from these. No member of the board shall also be a representative of a member organization in the council for General Assembly.
Clause 13.4 : The function of the board members are to organize and supervise the administration of the organization and shall prepare the agenda for all meeting of the council and General Assembly.
Clause 13.5 : All board member shall participate all meeting of the council and the General Assembly.
Clause 13.6 : All board member shall perform their duties without being paid for their job.

Article 14 : DUTIES of the BOARD MEMBERS

Clause 14.1 : The president represents the UAAA in all external matters, carries out the business of the UAAA, and chairs all meetings of the General Assembly and the council.
Clause 14.2 : The president may from time to time, delegate various aspects of the UAAA management to other board members.
Clause 14.3 : The president is a sole representative to hold the Honorary Vice President post in the UIAA
Clause 14.4 : The vice president shall assist and deputies for the president during latter absence.
Clause 14.5 : The senior vice president will be an automatic President until the next General Assembly when the presidency is vacant.
Clause 14.6 : The secretary general shall conduct the business of the UAAA and shall carry out the instruction of the General Assembly and the council meeting.
Clause 14.7 : The secretary general shall be responsible for conducting all correspondence among UAAA members.
Clause 14.8 : The secretary general shall attend all meeting and record the minutes and then circulated to all UAAA members.
Clause 14.9 : The secretary general will compile a report and prepared the General Assembly agenda before circulating to UAAA members.
Clause 14.10 : The honorary treasurer shall be responsible for the finance of the UAAA and shall attend all meeting.
Clause 14.11 : The honorary treasurer shall keep an updated account o all its financial transaction.
Clause 14.12 : Though term is finished, the board member shall be obliged to carry out his duties until his successor’s term.
Clause 14.13 : The term of service of the board member elected due to vacancy is the period left until the end of the predecessor’s term.

Article 15 : THE AUDITOR

Clause 15.1 : The auditor shall serve obliged to audit the accounting, operation and business of the UAAA. The auditor presents himself at the General Assembly and council meetings to report the result of the auditing. The auditor’s report to the General Assembly at least once a year.

Article 16 : COMMITTEES

Clause 16.1 : The UAAA may, if necessary, establish several committees approved by the General Assembly.
Clause 16.2 : The regulations and rules for naming, organizing and operating of the each committee are drawn up separately by the council.


Clause 17.1 : The assets of the UAAA comprises admission and membership fees, profit from business, contributions and other kinds of incomes.
Clause 17.2 : The annual budget of incomes and expenses is drawn up by the president before its fiscal year begins, to be approved by the General Assembly.
Clause 17.3 : Subject to the following provision in this article, the fund of the UAAA may be expanded for any purpose necessary for the carrying out of its objects, including the expenses of its administration and expenses to its office bearer and the audit of its account.
Clause 17.4 : The annual budget of incomes and expenses must be audited.
Clause 17.5 : All dues recoverable from member organizations must be paid in full prior to end of April in each calendar year.
Clause 17.6 : The financial year for the UAAA shall be the calendar year.

Article 18 : DISSOLUTION

Clause 18.1 : The organization may be voluntarily dissolved by resolution of not less than THREE FIFTH of the total voting member organizations
Clause 18.2 : In the event of the organization being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on its behalf shall be fully discharged. And the remaining funds shall be transferred to an institution with the same comparable purpose.


Clause 19.1 : Specific rules necessary for carrying out these articles are drawn up separately by the council.
Clause 19.2 : For the things not regulated by the articles or the specific ruels, general setups are compiled with.

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