Letter from IMSCF on Nanga Parbat victim > Member's Report

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Letter from IMSCF on Nanga Parbat victim

페이지 정보

작성자 UAAA 댓글 0 조회 2,534회 작성일 13-07-30 09:49


Dear Mr. Lee, President of UAAA
Iran Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Federation (IMSCF) while strongly condemning the brutal terrorist action against mountaineers in Nanga Parbat and expressing its deep sorrows and sympathies to the families of the victims, extends its condolences to the mountaineering community.
IMSCF reiterates that, the responsible authorities in Pakistan are expected to take more precautionary measures and more serious actions to maintain security of mountaineers and adventurers in Qaraqoram mountain range, which is a major destination to many mountaineers and adventurers around the world, so that such disasters will not affect mountaineering activities in the region and around the world.
Mahmoud Shoaei
President, IMSCF
Vice president of UAAA

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