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펀딩사이트 시중은행 평균 대출금리 라벨링 알바 준비 및 진행절차! 투자율 측정 기관 대출 연체 압류 블로그 부업 재테크의 첫걸음 재택근무로 집에서 돈 버는법(feat.데이터라벨링) 무자본창업 50대알바 크라우드펀딩 육아맘 라면 재택부업추천 아기일상 bj진서 텀블러 광주출장만남 출장여대생 하남출장만남 유부녀채팅사이트 밤길출장샵 강북출장샵 김해출장만남 춘천출장마사지 평택출장샵 만안구콜걸 진월동채팅 이음 맺음 정부청사역만남후기 신혼부부생일선물 위치추적 불륜외도증거 | 온라인흥신소 | 실시간통화내역문자내역카톡내역위치추적녹음위치추적기위치추적어플매니저아이 아내외도 | 복제폰/쌍둥이폰/휴대폰도청/카카오톡해킹/스마트폰해킹/용산복제폰/스파이앱/어플 | 복사폰 가정고민,핸드폰화면감시,흥신소 카톡내용확인 | 몰래사진찍기 | 성남흥신소 스파이앱판매합니다,쌍둥이폰판매,위자료 핸드폰해킹,좀비폰 복사폰,아내외도 정준영핸드폰✓스파이폰apk✓스파이앱판매 핸드폰도청 | 스파이앱판매 | 상간남 위자료 아내의외도 불륜외도증거 | 그랜드캐년추락이유 | 카카오톡 백업 복구 외도증거 나들이그램 롯데워터파크 스마트폰복제 김해공항


2023 General Assembly, Kathmandu, Nepal

페이지 정보

작성자 UAAA 댓글 0 조회 346회 작성일 23-11-25 14:25


The 2023 UAAA General Assembly held in Kathmandu, Nepal ended successfully. This GA meeting, attended by a total of 13 member organizations from 9 countries, was even more meaningful as it was held in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Nepal Mountaineering Association. Nima Nuru, the president of NMA explained 'It is very meaningful that the celebration of the 50th anniversary of NMA as well as the hosting of UAAA GA meeting in the same time, same country. In the welcome reception organized by NMA in the Nepaleser traditional restaurant in Oct. 30th, Peteer Muir, the president of UIAA, Injeong Lee, president of UAAA and all the delegations from UAAA, the board members of NMA, total 30 delegations attended. The main meeting held in Oct. 31st in the Marriot hotel in Kathmandu according to the agenda and the NMA's 50th anniversary held in Nov. 1st in the Army club. Specially in the 50th anniversary ceremony which is held in the Army club, there were chief guest, Rt Honorable President of Nepal Ram Chandra Paudel and the Honorable Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Sudan Kirati. More detail report and minute will be posted by the end of November.d91607bb4d34771fd99671c5e91751a6_1700891131_6708.jpg

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